Saturday, June 21, 2008

Monster Steez

I just saw that the last post I made was 3 weeks ago, seems fitting for how busy I have been in the last 3 weeks. Start up on a new construction project out of town has sapped a lot of my free time. The good news is work is going really well, I'm learning "trial by fire." as I have heard it put. That's the way I learn best.
I have managed to crank out some paintings in the last two weekends. Got the great idea with Jon last weekend to split a peice of plywood and go to town with some graff. (Jon tried to do bike trip america with CO's gang but a dodge pickup on hwy 26 ruined that plan. Jon came away from the accident with a smashed helmet and crunchy hip by didn't proceed with the bike trip.) Below you will see my peice "Monster" and Jon's peice "Evolve" I REALLY dig the colors in jon's peice.
This is some good practice for the Live August graffiti show at the bamboo grove. Sadly the show was supposed to be this friday but due to unforseen circumstances have changed and the show is in August. However now that Jon is back I think he'll get to do the show as well and it'll be good to have a friend in the show.

I've listed this practice board of plywood on craigslist with an invitation for an open offer. Monster is on one side, Steez is on the other. I don't know if I'm to the point of being able to sell a rattle can graffiti peice... but maybe.

P.S. I have a new song mostly written... just need to find a solid way to record my acoustic, and I'll post.

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