Saturday, May 17, 2008

June Art show plans

So I believe I had two shows lined up for June.

Graffiti art and hip hop show at the Bamboo Grove Salon has been moved to June 20th. There will be graffiti artists, a DJ, calligraphy artists and more TBD. I plan on doing a live graffiti peice for the event as well. Some of the graffiti canvases I have will be on display for about a month or so. Give it up to Arianna Ninneman for hooking me up with the line on the show! It sounds like me and John Graeter will be the main artists. It's been a while since I have shown with John, but he is sure to steal the show... he is an amazing artist!!!

The Gladstone Coffee and Gallery is the other June show, and it's a short notice cancellation fill that seems like a pretty good opportunity. I don't know much about the space, I have a chance to check it out today. Sounds like they have big walls where big paintings look good. That's convenient because I love big paintings! There is a possibility of a first friday event on the 6th, but due to short notice of the show and the potential lack of interest generated it may not happen. We will see!

It's nice out, this is all for now.

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