Monday, April 14, 2008

Back in front of the glow

Back From Vacation - New Art, New Song posting
**Damn, forgot to post this last monday. Well here it is.

I missed last last week in my so called weekly song progress post. What can I do, two weeks ago was a heavy work week. Boss was scheduled to be out of the country for 10 days, oh and there is a multi-million dollar project that is at it's, our, most critical stage. Then I bust town and hit Davis, Ca for some southern inspiration. I get down on California a lot, but damn it's nice waking up to those calm california mornings. Hung out with some real talented musicians down there, my bro has been jammin' with 'em for a few months now and I can see why he dug them so much. The three guys were very into their music and real chill. Over all I was around a good crowd of people to be huddled into a messy house and stumbling around a back yard drinking cheap keg beer.

So that's an update for the last two weeks. I have a couple things to post. These pictures are of a painting I finished up a while ago. It's called Lobster, it's roughly 4' wide by about 3' tall and 3" deep. This is one of Jeph's professional grade canvases with the beveled edge, and it's a near flawless canvas. I promised Kim that this painting would be hers, and would not be available for showings, or sale (unless someone crazy wants to give us tons of money for it.)

Also, I updated some new work onto the Portfolio. It has a few of the latest... none of which will be available for showing as they all have homes already.


On to Music....

Found - Week 4.

This version comes after a two week hiatus. I squeezed in a great road trip between Ashland and Davis California. I think as the song stands now it has the foundation for a verse and chorus twice then a really cool instrumental breakdown/bridge finale type deal. Recorded on the gibson SG - "Rose City" direct into mixer, then computer. There is still a little fuzz on the recording, but it's sounding clearer.

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