Monday, April 28, 2008

Mellow Mood

Hello you. Yes you. You are the only one reading.... seriously. Don't leave. That's not the answer. Oh, I asked no question? You must think you are pretty clever. How's that working out for you... being clever?

Now let's start with a joke. Why'd the chicken cross the road? He heard they had black butte porter across the street. Who wouldn't cross the road for such a fine brew? I know I would.

SO, it's update time.

I have now been in portland for almost 7 complete months. So far I feel like I have accomplished... a little. I'm breaking in. There is so much for me to learn, experience, and strive towards. I have been in a handful of group shows, both month long and one night only. My paintings have seen the inside of many different portland locations. Some galleries, some restaurants, some coffee shops and I even made a sale! "Black Napkins" the Frank Zappa painting sold for a one of a kind valentines day to some dude who really has a killer wife. Also had some success with the axe as well. I got to play live with the local musicians of First Name Michael all way from a gay bar in Olympia Washington, to the killer 15th st. Pub in Vancouver. At one point we played out 3 nights out of 10... pretty fun time.

It's interesting... after 7 months, the biggest thing I have noticed is these artists in Portland who put their soul, their lives and every ounce of their energy out on the line to take a chance get taken advantage of left and right. Whether it's the story of a group of musicians who put nearly ass in a chair at a bar only to be handed 3 dollars (seriously.) Or if it's the rich hollywood elite who actually visits portland, gets hammered and rudely nabs an artists' off the easel painting and skips town without paying the tab. It's a weary life for most, to strive for the elusive creative force, but I'll be damned if it's not worth it the moment you step back from the perfect ending to your painting. It's worth it the silent beat after the last note of the take.

We are where we are, we can only move forward from here. I got a new project down in corvallis, it's the day job (which interestingly enough I absolutly love it) had to back out of First Name Michael. There are only so many days in the week. I won't stop playing my guitar; painting and Pistol River Music Project will become more active. I also got back to drawing, shout out to CO for the sketch competition link. This competition the word is "dives" I am going to submit the drawing at the top... I think the other people will blow me out of the water, but I whipped this thing up we'll see what people think of it I guess.

Song for Week 5... or 6. Just song of last week, I am not keeping count. This week I'm changing it up. "Found," the other song I'm working on is developing arrangements and pretty soon it will be time for another instrument paired with it to see where it really heads off. For now, check out this song that I believed developed as my odd short little explosions/hendrix/jack white type... vibe. This little jam came to me over the course of two nights; one writing, one recording. I like it, sometimes I listen to it twice. There is still a little feed back, and I know it's quiet.... problems of a home studio.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Back in front of the glow

Back From Vacation - New Art, New Song posting
**Damn, forgot to post this last monday. Well here it is.

I missed last last week in my so called weekly song progress post. What can I do, two weeks ago was a heavy work week. Boss was scheduled to be out of the country for 10 days, oh and there is a multi-million dollar project that is at it's, our, most critical stage. Then I bust town and hit Davis, Ca for some southern inspiration. I get down on California a lot, but damn it's nice waking up to those calm california mornings. Hung out with some real talented musicians down there, my bro has been jammin' with 'em for a few months now and I can see why he dug them so much. The three guys were very into their music and real chill. Over all I was around a good crowd of people to be huddled into a messy house and stumbling around a back yard drinking cheap keg beer.

So that's an update for the last two weeks. I have a couple things to post. These pictures are of a painting I finished up a while ago. It's called Lobster, it's roughly 4' wide by about 3' tall and 3" deep. This is one of Jeph's professional grade canvases with the beveled edge, and it's a near flawless canvas. I promised Kim that this painting would be hers, and would not be available for showings, or sale (unless someone crazy wants to give us tons of money for it.)

Also, I updated some new work onto the Portfolio. It has a few of the latest... none of which will be available for showing as they all have homes already.


On to Music....

Found - Week 4.

This version comes after a two week hiatus. I squeezed in a great road trip between Ashland and Davis California. I think as the song stands now it has the foundation for a verse and chorus twice then a really cool instrumental breakdown/bridge finale type deal. Recorded on the gibson SG - "Rose City" direct into mixer, then computer. There is still a little fuzz on the recording, but it's sounding clearer.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Week 2 - Song Development

This post is a little late. I'm shooting for a sunday post every week, however the chances of that happening are slim. My main goal is just to track the development of songs, and if anyone ever starts reading this blog then maybe get some input with the changes of songs and see what people like and don't like. It's strange, this song makes so much sense in my head however when I listen to it... it's not the same. Odd.


Mood: Relaxed and mostly sober

With this version I attempted to fix some of the background noise and improve song quality. I recorded this on my Gibson, direct in to the mixer. It was recorded monday afternoon, after a fairly easy day at work. I added a new part to last weeks song as well. I think it's almost to a point of having a defined verse and chorus section. Although, I think one part would be like an intro riff/solos and one would be a verse. I don't think the chorus has materialized quite yet. It's coming along though.