Thursday, November 8, 2007

Art, Music, and Snow oh my

I'm Blogged. Yes, that's right. Ha, I thought that too when I first heard.

I'm going to let you in on a secret. This is really my second attempt, I did something I wasn't supposed and yes here I am starting again.

Guess who made me do this?

So a lot of things are in the mix here. Been in Portland just over a month and had to actually have this conversation with myself today.

Me: Is there enough time in the world to keep working my full time job, join a co-op gallery in the Alberta Arts district requiring 2 days a month from me, attempt to join a band with well laid groundwork in the Portland Music Scene, Ride the luscious mt. hood in a few weeks AND not have Kim complain?

Me: Dude, you'd be a rockstar artist with a full time job and she is marrying you.

Me: stop dreaming and get your ass out of the road before the SUV runs you over and you can't even bring home the wine!

I know I have always been a dreamer but there is this group that put out their first CD with some decent sucsess then their rythm player left and they need someone to fill his spot and potentially put out a new disc. As I don't know them very well yet, I won't release their name. However, sounds promising but requires two nights a week in essentially gresham which is FAR.

The co-op gallery has some incredible art (I reccomend you check it out it's called Six Days Art Co-op) Basically I get some great exposure and can hang work pretty much around the calander but it costs a little money a month and I have to work 16 hours over the month in the gallery. Or I can pay more money and not work in the gallery.

My goal is to wait on the band, record some newer versions of some songs I have been working on and try to just do the art gallery and snowboarding season. Then hopefully my man CO moves his ass up here and we can start our own group.

I can't wait for all my people to move back here, this city rocks.

Oh, snow forecast... saturday on---> SNOW. gonna be a good season.

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